Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Road to financial freedom

Have you ever dream of owning your own company, luxurious car, a condominium or others cool gadget which you may not afford to own it now?
If you do, is time for you to wake up! Things/dreams will no appear by it self without afford being placed to acheived it!

Many of us tends to dream reather than putting time and self commitment in acheiving something we really want. If you want to change your dream into reality, is time for you to wake up and get youself back into the reality world. I wrote this blog because i wish to change people perspect in understanding more about their financial and how they could master their financial until they are financial freedom.

Firstly, before you continue reading this blog you should understand the meaning of financial freedom. To let you understand better what is financial freedom i will give you an example, in this world there are lots of rich people but among this group of rich people, the ratio of rich people who is financial freedom is 1/10. This means out of ten rich guy in this world, only one person out of ten is financial freedom. Okey, lets get back to te meaning of financial freedom. A person is said to have being financial free when the amount of money/asset own by the person is sufficiently for him to survive or used after his retirement without needing to worried about his expenses in future.


In our mind, we have initially set that or categorized a person wealth based on the amount money he own or how much luxurious house and car he has today!. For your information, rich person is categorized into 2 group which is financial free and just an ordinary rich guy. For a ordinary rich guy, in their mind they will always think about how to get more money or how to get richer than before. Usually this kind of person always uses as much as they earn. The more money they have the more they spend on buying. That is why they have to earn more so that they can spend more in more expensive item. If you are categorized in this kind of person, you will NEVER end out to be a financial free person!


Always bare in mind that you can always turn yourself from rich to financial free! It is only depend on whether you want it or not. Why you need to be financial free? The answer is simple, just answer my question "Do you want to work forever just to survive?". People in this world struggle to earn more money to survive in this world. I have meet people who rich yesterday and bankrupt by today. So does the money your have enough for you to live until the end of your life? Is you money enough for you to survive when the economy crisis strike on your beloved country?
This are the thing which is not a problem for those who are financial free but if you are not, you start thinking by now.

to be continue.. leave a comment if you are interested in my blog. Thank You :)

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